Thank you so much to Mistress Vixen who personally created a pass for me. Now you're about to view some of the selected pictures of possibly the Most Beautiful Mistress the world has ever known !! Overstatement???? NO!!!! I did not!!! Many would have agreed with me on this i figured ;) To many who has been surfing for femdom online for many years, Mistress Vixen has always been one of the all time favourites when she has featured in some of the most famous femdom sites like Cruella and English Mansion. And now in her personal members area, she has offered us some lengthy videos of her sessions both in different dungeons and outdoor locations around the world, some was even requested custom by her members and she was so kind to produce it for them. For most regular surfers, the first impression would be, Mistress members' site can't have much content, but you might just be wrong here. Mistress Vixen's site offers a huge amount of videos amounting to 10s of gbs!! In her whipping scenes, she wields the whip with such skills that left her slave shaking and groaning in pain, but they willingly endured the strokes for the sadistic pleasure of their Goddess. In her foot domination and worship scenes, she has her willing slaves to lick the dirt and mud out of her boot soles and swallowed it all and she is so lovely when she flexes her toes after having them removed from her hot boots and having her faithful slaves smell and tasting on them, and in her trampling scenes , those white steel heel boots are simply lovely yet cruel when she digs them into her slave's flesh. And the cock torture scenes, the pain threshold of her slaves are unbelievable, but they willingly endured it for the sake of pleasing their beautiful Goddess. There were so many other special scenes its hard to describe all of them here, please check out her site to find out more!! Mistress Vixen's site is so mesmerizing you can't help thinking of it and pray for her next update to come!!

Check out the site of Lovely Goddess Vixen now!

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